여름, 더위, 해수욕에 관련된 영어회화 7

여름, 더위, 해수욕에 관련된 영어회화 7

여름, 더위, 해수욕에 관련된 영어회화 7

여름, 더위, 해수욕에 관련된 영어회화를 다루면서 다양한 상황에서 쓸 수 있는 표현들입니다.

1. 기온과 날씨에 대해 이야기하기

A: It’s so hot today, isn’t it?

B: Yes, it feels like the temperature is over 30 degrees Celsius.

A: I heard it’s going to be even hotter tomorrow. How do you usually deal with the heat?

B: I try to stay indoors with the air conditioner on and drink plenty of water.

temperature: 기온

degrees Celsius: 섭씨

deal with the heat: 더위를 견디다

2. 여름 활동에 대해 이야기하기

A: What do you usually do in the summer?

B: I love going to the beach and swimming. How about you?

A: I enjoy having barbecues with friends and going hiking early in the morning to avoid the heat.

beach: 해변

swimming: 수영

barbecue: 바베큐

hiking: 하이킹

avoid the heat: 더위를 피하다

3. 해수욕장에 가기

A: Do you want to go to the beach this weekend?

B: Sure! Which beach should we go to?

A: How about Sunny Beach? I heard it’s really nice and not too crowded.

B: That sounds perfect. Should we bring some snacks and drinks?

A: Yes, and don’t forget the sunscreen!

crowded: 붐비는

snacks and drinks: 간식과 음료

sunscreen: 자외선 차단제

4. 해변에서 하는 활동

A: What do you want to do first when we get to the beach?

B: I’d love to swim for a bit and then maybe play some beach volleyball.

A: That sounds fun! I also brought a frisbee and a beach ball.

B: Great! Let’s set up our spot near the lifeguard tower.

beach volleyball: 비치 발리볼

frisbee: 프리스비

beach ball: 비치볼

lifeguard tower: 구조대 탑

5. 바다에서의 안전

A: The waves look pretty strong today. Do you think it’s safe to swim?

B: Let’s check the flag status. If it’s red, we should avoid swimming.

A: Good idea. Also, let’s make sure to stay close to the lifeguard area.

B: Definitely. Safety first!

waves: 파도

flag status: 깃발 상태

avoid swimming: 수영을 피하다

lifeguard area: 구조대 구역

safety first: 안전이 최우선

6. 여름 날씨에 대한 불평

A: I’m so tired of this heatwave. It’s been over a week now!

B: I know! I can hardly sleep at night because it’s so hot.

A: Have you tried using a fan along with the air conditioner?

B: Yes, but it doesn’t seem to help much. I wish it would rain and cool things down.

heatwave: 폭염

hardly sleep: 거의 잠을 자지 못하다

fan: 선풍기

cool things down: 시원하게 하다

7. 여름 휴가 계획

A: Do you have any plans for the summer vacation?

B: Yes, I’m planning to visit Hawaii for a week. How about you?

A: That sounds amazing! I’m thinking of going on a road trip along the coast.

B: Both plans sound great. I hope you have a fantastic time!

summer vacation: 여름 휴가

visit: 방문하다

road trip: 자동차 여행

coast: 해안

fantastic time: 멋진 시간

8. 여름철 건강 관리

A: How do you stay healthy during the summer?

B: I try to eat light meals, stay hydrated, and avoid going out during the hottest part of the day.

A: That’s smart. I also make sure to wear a hat and sunglasses to protect myself from the sun.

B: Good idea. It’s important to take care of our skin too. I always use aloe vera gel after sun exposure.

stay healthy: 건강을 유지하다

light meals: 가벼운 식사

stay hydrated: 수분을 유지하다

hat and sunglasses: 모자와 선글라스

protect: 보호하다

skin: 피부

aloe vera gel: 알로에 베라 젤

sun exposure: 햇볕 노출

이 대화들은 여름, 더위, 해수욕과 관련된 다양한 상황에서 유용하게 사용할 수 있습니다. 각 상황에 맞는 표현과 단어를 익혀두면 실제 대화에서 큰 도움이 될 것입니다.

여름, 더위, 해수욕에 관련된 영어회화 7

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